Tuesday, June 28, 2011

E-volution of the book.

Each time a new, life-changing technology comes along that alters the way the game is played forever, it makes you wonder how you survived without it all along. Holding my entire library of over a thousand books on my palm, I stand strong with the power of digitization – My E-Book.

My library follows me every where I go. Be it rare books that are hard to find, books that are unavailable in the country or an impulse craving on the bus- I dream it, and I own it.
Words are no longer just black on white. I can search from millions of authors, books and genre to find exactly what I’m looking for. Books can be downloaded in less than ten minutes. Words are no longer just narrating a story to me. Reading is now about holding conversations with it, opining through notes and adding post-it reminders where I wish to.

Web links lead me to related reading. Supplements to words, are high resolution pictures and videos for that surreal experience. And just when I miss those conventional dog-eared, yellowed-with-age books, E-books allow me to create a virtual dog-ear, flip the pages like I would with a hard-bound book, and choose that classic yellow tint for added effect.

Aha! There’s more! With rapid updating of information, especially in education, legal, pharmaceutical, technical and medical domains, new editions of books are released every so often. With an E-book, I can request for an edition update for a marginal price.
And all this, with a bonus point for reducing the ecological footprint while I save on paper.

The only footprints Digital books seem to be making are on the market share. Conventional book publisher, Dorchester Publishing Inc., recently chose to shift to E-Publishing as a resort to keep up with customers’ changing outlook.

Well, there is a dark side to it too. E-book formats change with the E-Book reader. What reads on a certain device may not be readable on another. This could hold back a publisher for the fear of restricting his sales only to a select set of audience.

And that is where Equire Technologies, a customized E-Book conversion House strides right in. Besides converting to E-Book format from virtually any format, Equire Technologies also customizes books for its audience and book genre, by setting it apart in terms of page composition, layout and typesetting. So E-books, besides being instant, fun, interactive and custom-made, are also versatile. With timely delivery, efficient copy editing and cost-effective end-to-end project management, Equire holds promises of changing the way we read for a long time to come.